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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Here is an innovative project from Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor: You can help fiscal conservatives set priorities by voting on which government program to target for spending cuts.

Our national debt is simply unsustainable. Not only is it immoral to keep passing on such debt to our children and our grandchildren, but we've reached a point where our current debt and deficit levels are hurting our economy and the prospects for job creation and future economic growth.

Right on. Cantor refers to Washington's "Culture of Spending," a polite euphemism for the blind senselessness of increasing taxes and spending during a critical recession.

Europe is witnessing the economic implosion of Greece, and we delude ourselves if we refuse to see this is where our own country is headed. For the sake of our survival, our government must cut spending. Here's your opportunity to tell Washington where to start.

Of the five spending cuts proposed on YouCut each week, the proposal that wins the most online votes will be presented to Congress for an up-or-down vote. It's a clear, practical, and incremental strategy to begin reversing out-of-control spending.

I want to thank my congressman, Erik Paulsen, for promoting this project and for bringing it to his constituents' attention.

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