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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Where is President Reagan When You Need Him?

Is Kofi Annan capable of making a decisive statement? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust is absurd and should not to be given the dignity of a reasoned opinion, yet Annan responded with this wimpy statement:

"I think the tragedy of the Holocaust is an undeniable historical fact, and we should really accept that fact and teach people what happened in World War II and ensure it is never repeated," Annan said.

As happens often these days, I find myself asking, "What would Reagan do?" I would not presume to make myself Reagan's posthumous speechwriter, but I believe he would have unequivocally denounced Ahmadinejad's ridiculous claim with something like the following:

"The Iranian president's statement is either utterly ignorant or utterly evil, concocted in an effort to justify the destruction of a nation. The United States does not condone blind hatred of Israel whether by Hitler's Nazis or anti-Semites of any age. The Iranian president makes no apologies for his anti-Semitism. Indeed, Mr. Ahmanedijad's stated campaign toward 'A World Without Zionism' is a brazen threat to our closest ally and friend in the Middle East. We will not shrink in our determination to defend the Jewish nation's existence and right to her historic homeland."

Period. Don't even entertain Ahmanedijad's deluded version of history. The diabolical lunatic Iranian leader is proceeding with his conference attempting to debunk the Holocaust. I would love to see that party crashed by some of these guys:

(See more at Cox and Forkum)

Of course, Iran's renowned freedom of speech will ensure that a balanced perspective will be presented, as in the Ku Klux Klan's seminar on racism, Madelyn O'Hair's Bible study series, and who could forget Planned Parenthood's symposium on the humanity of the unborn child? Ahmadinejad modestly denies his own role in history as one of the captors in the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, so he is clearly an authority on historical denial.

What the world needs most now is a leader who will call a spade a spade, and stare down those who insist on making themselves our enemies. Reagan had the courage to identify the "focus of evil in the modern world." I pray that President Bush will have the determination of Reagan, if not the eloquence, to stand firm in challenging Iran.

"A leader, once convinced a particular course of action is the right one, must have the determination to stick with it and be undaunted when the going gets rough" - Ronald Reagan

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Blogger Brad Carlson said...

What's even more frightening is it seems a good number of Americans aren't taking the Iranian leader seriously.

I saw a stat recently which stated in the 1930s, a whopping 80% of Americans did not believe Hitler was a serious threat.

Those who forget history...

11:43 PM  

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