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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rant du jour: September 21, 2010

  • Ahmadinejad: Iran will never recognize "the Zionist regime"

    Speaking at the UN today, Iranian iman's puppet president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predictably reiterated his position on Israel:

    "The Iranian nation will never recognize the Zionist regime"

    Okay, we get that. We, as you know, not only recognize the nation of Israel, we recognize her right to defend herself against you. And if she asks for our help, we will help.

    On other issues, Ahmadinejad evidently considers adultery worse than murder:

    Ahmadinejad accused the West of launching a "heavy propaganda" campaign against the case of an Iranian woman who had been sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery but failing to react with outrage over the imminent execution of Teresa Lewis in Virginia, according to state-run IRNA.

    Stoning is more humane than lethal injection too, I guess.

    Ahmadinejad continued:

    "Today Western media are propaganda agents who continuously speak about democracy and human rights though their slogans are sheer lies," he added.

    Umm, help me out here. We've said you don't recognize Israel's right to exist and you promote honor killings via stoning ... which you just confirmed. What did we lie about, exactly?

    Does the U.S. really need need further reason to get out of the U.N. than that they continue to give the floor to barbaric goons? When in the last twenty years has the U.N. been anything more than a forum for sanctimonious tyrants?

  • Bill Clinton warns Democrats: Don't Underestimate Sarah Palin

    Former President Bill Clinton advised Democrats today not to underestimate the possibility that Sarah Palin could be a powerful candidate in the 2012 presidential elections, citing her resiliency and calling her a "a compelling, attractive figure" who knows how to appeal to her conservative base.

    Did anyone else force back a snicker when Clinton said, "a compelling, attractive figure?"


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