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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Breakpoint: To Drill or Not to Drill

Chuck doesn't often take on economic issues with this fervor. In today's Breakpoint, he doesn't go into detail about the causes of rising food prices, namely grain diverted to biofuels and gas prices raising shipping costs, but he raises other points about why we need to push for energy independence.

I really hope McCain and other Republican candidates have the guts and the eloquence to portray the current drive for biofuels and the prohibition on domestic drilling as what they are - harmful to people, destructive to the economy, ineffective at cooling the planet, and perilous to national security:

In 1973, we imported 28 percent of our oil. Today, it is closer to 60 percent.

... "Most imports come from countries that are potentially insecure, unstable or hostile."

... As Frank Gaffney, a national security expert, wrote in the NATIONAL REVIEW, the war against terrorism and American energy security are inseparable.

Congress has, so far, failed to act because they want to pander to us. I say it is time for us to tell them to get busy. We need this for our national security, and for the sake of our economy. Some environmentalists believe that it would be a good thing to have eight-dollar-a-gallon gas. But it would be a disaster for ordinary, working Americans.

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Blogger Brad Carlson said...

If the GOP would just be willing to educate the American people, then there would be an even larger sentiment for drilling, thus a higher chance for victory in November.

Today’s WSJ nails it!

The expectation of greater oil supplies in the future would make it more attractive to sell oil now, when supplies are restricted and prices are high, thereby bringing prices down in the short term. Is Obama really too ignorant to grasp this, or does he just think voters are?

12:36 PM  

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