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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

Is anyone as creeped out by this as I am?

WorldNetDaily reports that an artist named Michael D'Antuono created this painting outrageously titled, "The Truth," to commemorate President Obama's 100th day in office.

I struggle to understand what the artist is trying to do with this work. I first assumed it must be a joke, tasteless at best, blasphemous at worst. It may be merely a marketing stunt to get knee-jerk publicity from Christians, in which case I'm one of the duped.

The most frightening possibility is that this is really how the artist views the President. More frightening than that is that there are more like him. In January, an artist in Iowa created a sculpture depicting Obama riding a donkey, complete with waving palm branches, to reflect Christ's entrance into Jerusalem in the gospels.

This is the sad state of religion in the United States: having abolished the real religious traditions of our country, we still have an innate need to worship something. The new religion is government, and the people have elected their Messiah.

It's political cliche to say that liberals look to government for their salvation while conservatives look to God. But statements like these from the art community show conservatives do not misrepresent the opposition.

Those out there who still believe as our founders did that America has no king but God, and that individual liberty and industry are still the machinery that keeps our country alive, please wake up. D'Antuono's painting should shock reasonable people into seeing what kind of a truly kooky future we have ahead of us if we don't stand up to this kind of nonsense.

After sampling the artist's online galleries, I'm convinced he is merely a sensationalist capitalizing on controversy. He knew those who still consider Obama the messiah portrayed during the campaign would buy it, and those offended by the portrait would give it loads of free publicity. If Christ is a meaningless historical figure to you, it's a smart business move.

A friend of mine said art should "make us think," and said good for the artist that he succeeded. It does made me think. I think the artist should continue the religious themes, and depict Obama as Mohammed receiving the Revelation. See how that sells.

Artist cancels showing of unconventional Obama portrait
"I canceled the showing out of respect for religion. It was not meant to offend so many people," he said. "I don't think it would be helpful to the cause of unity to show it."

Ya think?

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