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Friday, October 08, 2010

International Trailer for "Dawn Treader" Released

As a huge fan of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I am disappointed with the obvious deviations this film makes from Lewis' original story. It looks like a cool movie, one I could enjoy if I can detach myself from my love for the book. In fairness, this adaptation looks far truer to the original than its predecessor, Prince Caspian.

VDT has some of the most profound themes of the entire series:

- How Eustace gets "un-dragoned"
- Reepicheep's lifelong desire to reach Aslan's Country
- Aslan's revelation that he lives in our world too

I sincerely hope these themes survive, but I hold out little hope from what I've read and seen so far. Theological illustrations and spiritual quests don't sell movie tickets, so faith must give way to thrills. The personal challenges for Caspian, Eustace, and Reepicheep appear to be replaced with a gratuitous battle against an external evil, an evil that was defeated in the first movie. (Really, the White Witch is dead. Move on.)

I can understand the moviemaker's business need for a return on investment, but if money were no object, someone could make a movie out of love for the story. The Chronicles deserve that kind of treatment. I wish someone would risk a box office flop in order to authentically convey the depth of meaning Lewis instilled in the Narnia books.

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