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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Parents Day July 22

I noticed on my wall calendar that July 22 is marked as "Parents Day." I had never heard of this holiday before, but after a little googling I found it's a national holiday signed into law by President Clinton in 1994. I found information about it at

I suspected this new holiday was intended to broaden the defintion of "parent" and "family," but it is apparently the opposite, as this site explains (emphasis mine):

In every culture and time period, the family has stood as the most fundamental human institution. Family is the starting point of life, the sustainer of well-being, and the school of love. A family begins with the joining together of man and woman, husband and wife, becoming father and mother – and parents. The most powerful of human bonds is the parent-child relationship.

Commitment to family has always been a core value. Tragically, however, what was often held as a common value, recognized as common sense, even understood as self-evident in the past, is sometimes not so today. ...

... our popular culture over the past several decades has emphasized self-fulfillment and self-gratification. Such focus on the self runs counter to the essence of parenthood, which fundamentally involves unconditional true love.
... [more]

So this holiday seems not about celebrating the individual roles of mother and father, but the importance of the traditional nuclear family, something worth celebrating and desperately in need of promoting.

I can't help noticing the irony that this came from the president whose wife claimed "it takes a village to raise a child," and whose said wife's book got a lot more publicity than this new holiday.

Not to complain, but can anyone tell me why Bill Clinton can institute a holiday like this and sign the Defense of Marriage Act without any significant controversy, but when George Bush calls marriage a union of a man and woman, he is called a theocratic, homophobic bigot?


In any case, a belated thanks to President Clinton for this holiday promoting traditional marriage and family, even though he received almost no credit or flak for it.


Blogger Brad Carlson said...

Not to complain, but can anyone tell me why Bill Clinton can institute a holiday like this and sign the Defense of Marriage Act without any significant controversy, but when George Bush calls marriage a union of a man and woman, he is called a theocratic, homophobic bigot?

It must have been a compromise. Clinton was allowed to sign the DOMA without any backlash as long as he vetoed the partial-birth abortion ban.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Joe and Eric said...

Basically, I think the difference between Bill Clinton's and George Bush's methods of operation are what allowed Bill Clinton to get minimal flak - at least in the straight press - when signing DOMA.

The Clinton administration seemed open and reasonable compared with the secretive, heavy-handed methods of this administration. Bush's administration has waged a political war on the American people - witness the number of problem with truth this administration has had; Twisting science to fit the administration priorities; The headlong rush to war on fabricated pretenses; Political appointees which were not qualified for the job; The list goes on and on!

10:14 AM  

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