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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Projecting hate

I heard Chris Baker on KTLK interview Trent Humphries on my way in this morning. Humphries is a co-founder of the Tuscon Tea Party and has received multiple threats since the Giffords shooting. One of the victims of the Tucson shooting attended a town-hall meeting where Humphries spoke, and interrupted Humphries, shouting, "You're dead!" That man, James Fuller, had gone on record the day before spouting a vile and gruesome diatribe against Republicans that rivals Jared Loughner's lunatic ramblings. Fuller, incidentally, went out of his way to forgive Loughner, evidently choosing to focus his hate on those hateful Republicans.

James Eric Fuller, 63, who was shot in the knee, had told The Post on Friday, the day before his arrest, that top Republican figures should be tortured -- and their ears severed.

"There would be torture and then an ear necklace, with [Minnesota US Rep.] Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin's ears toward the end, because they're small, female ears, and then Limbaugh, Hannity and the biggest ears of all, Cheney's, in the center," Fuller said.

Also on Friday, Fuller stopped by the home of gunman Jared Lee Loughner and told a neighbor he was going to forgive the shooter, The Associated Press said.

On Saturday, Fuller was carted away for a psychiatric exam after disrupting the town-hall meeting by taking a photo of Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries and shouting, "You're dead!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is another Arizona shooting like Tucson and a another victim: Jerrold Fremont "Jerry" Shelley. Shelley was the direct descendant of the First Families of Utah and the Mormon Pioneers. Carey Hal Dyess was of Melungeon origin. I hope Jerry's wife Nancy Shelley would have said, "I forgive you, Carey Dyess."

3:44 PM  

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