Toy Story 3
Life is getting rough for terrorists disenfranchised by the Iraqi elections. Frustrated by the increasing difficulty in obtaining hostages, they've resorted to abducting toys.

Dragon Models, Ltd. identified the latest soldier abducted in Iraq as one of theirs.

Al Mujahadeen captors claimed the soldier's name was John Adam, but Dragon Models spokesman Liam Cusack identified him as Special Ops Cody.
In response to this apparent shift in tactics by the terrorists, Washington has deployed special forces to the region in plastic-armored Hasbro-2115 transports:

Troops have so far secured a Baghdad Toys "R" Us store, but Iraqi children are keeping their toys under close watch, fearing abductions at squirt-gunpoint. "I am afraid they will want my Buzz Lightyear because he has a laser," said a boy outside the store. "But it's not real," he continued. "See? It's just a light bulb."
The gunman in the photo, identified as "Sid," has claimed responsibility for hundreds of toy mutilations, including beheadings. Special forces commander "Sarge" believes Cody was initially held in the break room of a Target store six blocks away but has since been moved to an unknown location.
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"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." — Martin Luther
"The devill . . the prowde spirite . . cannot endure to be mocked." — Thomas More

Dragon Models, Ltd. identified the latest soldier abducted in Iraq as one of theirs.

Al Mujahadeen captors claimed the soldier's name was John Adam, but Dragon Models spokesman Liam Cusack identified him as Special Ops Cody.
In response to this apparent shift in tactics by the terrorists, Washington has deployed special forces to the region in plastic-armored Hasbro-2115 transports:

Troops have so far secured a Baghdad Toys "R" Us store, but Iraqi children are keeping their toys under close watch, fearing abductions at squirt-gunpoint. "I am afraid they will want my Buzz Lightyear because he has a laser," said a boy outside the store. "But it's not real," he continued. "See? It's just a light bulb."
The gunman in the photo, identified as "Sid," has claimed responsibility for hundreds of toy mutilations, including beheadings. Special forces commander "Sarge" believes Cody was initially held in the break room of a Target store six blocks away but has since been moved to an unknown location.
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Kidnapped soldier actually toy figure?
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"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." — Martin Luther
"The devill . . the prowde spirite . . cannot endure to be mocked." — Thomas More