Kermit the Blog

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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Toy Story 3

Life is getting rough for terrorists disenfranchised by the Iraqi elections. Frustrated by the increasing difficulty in obtaining hostages, they've resorted to abducting toys.

Dragon Models, Ltd. identified the latest soldier abducted in Iraq as one of theirs.

Al Mujahadeen captors claimed the soldier's name was John Adam, but Dragon Models spokesman Liam Cusack identified him as Special Ops Cody.

In response to this apparent shift in tactics by the terrorists, Washington has deployed special forces to the region in plastic-armored Hasbro-2115 transports:

Troops have so far secured a Baghdad Toys "R" Us store, but Iraqi children are keeping their toys under close watch, fearing abductions at squirt-gunpoint. "I am afraid they will want my Buzz Lightyear because he has a laser," said a boy outside the store. "But it's not real," he continued. "See? It's just a light bulb."

The gunman in the photo, identified as "Sid," has claimed responsibility for hundreds of toy mutilations, including beheadings. Special forces commander "Sarge" believes Cody was initially held in the break room of a Target store six blocks away but has since been moved to an unknown location.

Related Stories:
Captive U.S. Soldier Doll Rescued by Bush Doll
Kidnapped soldier actually toy figure?
Iraqi Hostage Identified as Doll

"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." — Martin Luther
"The devill . . the prowde spirite . . cannot endure to be mocked." — Thomas More

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Iraqi Heroes

Iraq The Model is an award-winning blog by two Baghdad men who provide fascinating Iraqi perspectives on the war and now the elections as well. Today they posted a gruesome illustration of the terrorists' cowardice and utter inhumanity: Kidnapping Down's Syndrome patients to carry out their suicide bombings. In contrast, they tell a story of a man who threw himself at a would-be suicide bomber near an election center and was himself blown up, saving the lives of voters waiting in line. Mohammed and Omar write:

What a huge difference there is between those who kidnap and use the mentally handicapped to perform their murders in cold blood, and the brave Iraqis who sacrificed their lives to protect their brethren. ... The pathetic terrorists are breaking one world record after another in cowardice and insanity and this tells how bankrupt they're getting.

I'm obviously excited about the elections in Iraq and the prospect of democracy in the Middle East. U.S. voters today have no idea what it is like to face death at the polls, thanks to those who faced down the tyrants for us 230 years ago. Michael Moore and his ilk, who fabricated the absurd delusion that Iraqi terrorists are akin our founding fathers, have been rightly humiliated and discredited. Moore and those in the press who insisted on calling terrorists "insurgents" (and in some cases "revolutionaries") have insulted the Iraqi people and deserve only their scorn. The heroes of Iraq are the courageous voters who defied the threats of their oppressors and are now forging a free nation. They have my admiration, love, and prayers. I have never been prouder of our military and our president for helping pave the road.

Cox and Forkum on the Iraq Elections

From the author of Black & White World: A story that can only be told in color.
Here's a cartoon for the scrapbook.

Let History Remember This Picture

January 30, 2005: A Democracy Is Born Posted by Hello

Some Great Stories:

Joy Explodes Across Iraq

The Purple Badge of Courage

"All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know the United States will not ignore your oppression or excuse your oppressors ... When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you." – George W. Bush

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