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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Lazy Slander of Pro-Lifers

Christianity Today has is a great article dispelling the liberal lie that pro-lifers care more for the unborn than for women. Charges that pro-lifers do little to help women after their babies are born are groundless, but the slander is nonetheless repeated in the media and by "pro-choice" opponents.

The author goes on to dismantle the "pro-choice" argument that providing contraception helps reduce abortions, unplanned pregnancies, and STDs. The reality is that they perpetuate the problems they purport to address. It's really a no-brainer: more contraception = more casual sex = more STDs, more unplanned pregnancies, and more abortions.

"... is it any coincidence that Planned Parenthood serves roughly the same percentage of clients for STIs (31%) as it does for contraception (36%)?"

What's worse is that "pro-choice" groups actively oppose and undermine pro-life counseling centers because they cut into Planned Parenthood's business, that business being greater distribution of contraception and abortion services. How is this profiteering in the best interests of women?

"... the charge should be laid to rest once and for all that the pro-life movement is not active on behalf of women, children, and vulnerable persons generally. Those bringing the charge—the same groups that do very little personally to help women and children—should be held to account, both for their lack of real charity and for their refusal to acknowledge that their entire strategy—state supplied birth control and unlimited abortion—has backfired upon the very groups they promised to help."

One reason I know I would make a lousy counselor is that the first question I would want to ask a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy is, "Where is the man who made you pregnant? Why isn't that lecherous coward here with you?" Pregnancy is not merely a women's issue because women don't make themselves pregnant. That men can do this to women and leave them alone to clean up the mess is the cruelest product of the "sexual revolution." Planned Parenthood owes the public a tax rebate for the societal costs it has created. Those costs could be largely alleviated by the quaint but effective practice of monogamous man-woman marriage, which a) prevents questions of paternity, and b) makes men responsible for their treatment of women and the children they produce with them.

What is more compassionate to women and babies? Severing responsibility between "partners," or promoting actual "partnership?" The verdict is in on promiscuity vs. chastity: the former enslaves women and lets men be animals. Chastity is respect - men for women, women for men, respect for human life, and self-respect. Marriage is the vehicle for conveying that respect.

Do I oversimplify? Perhaps, but I do not exaggerate the destruction wrought by the de-coupling of sex from marriage. Proponents of contraception and abortion do not help women lead healthy lives. A truly compassionate approach must steer women and men, however gently, toward a chaste course. I thank God for the efforts of pro-life counselors who take as a sacred charge the task to help preserve and repair lives.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What you won't see at the State of the Union

Dennis Prager has some interesting facts about the U.S. House of Representatives chamber, and an interesting theory about why they are seldom seen.

Here are three things you won't see at tonight's "State of the Union."

First thing you won't see: "In God We Trust" inscribed above the Speaker's podium. This is typically cropped out by media cameras and almost never (if ever) seen on TV:

Second thing you won't see: portrait of Moses directly across from the Speaker's podium:

There are actually 23 relief portraits of historic lawgivers surrounding the House chamber. All of them are in profile, facing Moses, who is face-forward, staring straight at the Speaker, or tonight, the President.

Third thing you won't see:

It should be worth watching just for that.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Beast creep

CNN Money reports today that credit cards are on the path to obsolescence, being replaced by the "electronic wallet" capabilities of smart phones.

"... by the end of the year you may not even think twice about reaching for your phone to pay at the register instead of fumbling for your credit card."

The problem with payment methods that are too convenient is that spending money can become a passive activity, like scarfing snacks. I bought three MP3s this weekend with a mouse click. I didn't have to enter any information - I hardly thought about the fact that I just spent money. It was an effortless, almost mindless purchase. How is this going to bring about a return to responsible consumer spending?

This raises the value of my "stupid" phone, though, because it won't be a target for theft. Nobody wants a phone that only makes phone calls.

The inherent problem in this technology is that it's battery-powered. How soon will we hear of some Best Buy customer freaking out that he can't buy a new subwoofer because his iPhone is dead and he left his charger at home?

I think the next trend will be the microchip implant, probably in the hand, something that you can't lose, is extremely difficult to steal (eeww), and doesn't require electricity or a signature. What could be more convenient than that? (That's funny - everyone's account number starts with three sixes.)

That's when I switch to paper currency, if it's still available.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Projecting hate

I heard Chris Baker on KTLK interview Trent Humphries on my way in this morning. Humphries is a co-founder of the Tuscon Tea Party and has received multiple threats since the Giffords shooting. One of the victims of the Tucson shooting attended a town-hall meeting where Humphries spoke, and interrupted Humphries, shouting, "You're dead!" That man, James Fuller, had gone on record the day before spouting a vile and gruesome diatribe against Republicans that rivals Jared Loughner's lunatic ramblings. Fuller, incidentally, went out of his way to forgive Loughner, evidently choosing to focus his hate on those hateful Republicans.

James Eric Fuller, 63, who was shot in the knee, had told The Post on Friday, the day before his arrest, that top Republican figures should be tortured -- and their ears severed.

"There would be torture and then an ear necklace, with [Minnesota US Rep.] Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin's ears toward the end, because they're small, female ears, and then Limbaugh, Hannity and the biggest ears of all, Cheney's, in the center," Fuller said.

Also on Friday, Fuller stopped by the home of gunman Jared Lee Loughner and told a neighbor he was going to forgive the shooter, The Associated Press said.

On Saturday, Fuller was carted away for a psychiatric exam after disrupting the town-hall meeting by taking a photo of Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries and shouting, "You're dead!"