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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I heard on my morning drive that Condi Rice is considered the front-runner for Romney's VP.

The Web is abuzz. They've already printed the shirts. Condi's name was proposed earlier this year, but as of April, she was still saying, "no way," and frankly I expect she'll hold to that.

One one hand, Condi as VP would defuse any absurd claim that voting against Obama is racist or (even more absurd) anti-woman. But would suspicious types view her as a pawn for this reason?

On the other hand, wouldn't you love to see a Rice-Biden debate?

Rice is brilliant, articulate, experienced, and congenial. Her views on abortion could stand to "evolve" a bit more, in my opinion. At this point, I'm doubtful she'll be the VP pick, but the suggestion itself is intriguing.