Kermit the Blog

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How a Nerd Says Happy Anniversary

If his wife's name happens to be Ruth, they've been married fifteen years, and they're going to the north shore to celebrate.

My bride found this on her computer this morning.

(If the above player doesn't work, you can download the file directly by clicking here.)

For the uninerdiated, see this source material for reference.

Friday, June 22, 2007

A Dave Barry Moment

Dave Barry has often written about how clueless men are on the domestic front, such as when he dressed his son for the day in an outfit that was half pajamas.

This morning I complimented my son on getting himself dressed. A minute later, my wife came in and with one glance told him, "Good morning, Jack. Your shirt's on backwards." As he turned around, I saw the "Polo Sport" logo on his back. She, of course, didn't need to see that. Her genetically-enhanced vision, powered by a second X chromosome, enables her to see around objects and people. This explains other things, like how women know there's dust behind the furniture.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Best Value for Fun, Fun, Fun

Yesterday was Father's day, and my dear wife and son treated me royally. After lunch we all discussed what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. The options included going on rides at to the Mall of America, bumper boats at Lilli Putt Amusements near home, or the Bunker Hills water park, also close to home.

When it comes to entertainment, we're total cheapskates. We didn't have any coupons for the Mall of America, the bumper boats were $4 for probably a 5-minute ride, and the water park was $6.50 each for what probably wouldn't be more than an hour or two. None of the options were a good value for the time and money involved.

I suggested, "How about we have a water fight with our new squirt guns [a father's day present] and we can try out the Slip 'n Slide [bought years ago, never opened] in the backyard?" Jack said yes. Mama opted for the sidelines. (Not the most comfortable activities when you're with child, but she was fine with it.)

So we had a great afternoon for free. We even went down the Slip 'n Slide together (in violation of manufacturer's recommendations), Jack riding on my stomach while I slid on my back.

We finished the day with pizza (Sam's Club) and a movie, our own DVD of Disney's Pinocchio that Mama bought on eBay for $3. Besides being a great Disney classic, the lesson of avoiding temptation and doing what's right is a whole lot better than that of most modern kid's shows that preach: "Do what feels right to you, follow your heart, don't listen to anyone else." It was also fun to hear the quote we've had on our son's wall since he was a baby: "To become a real boy, you must prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish."

For inexpensive, guilt-free fun, you can't beat a day like this.

Jack said it well last week during our Sunday afternoon family time at a lakeside park in town. While walking to the car, he gave me a hug and said, "You're like my golden penny that lets me buy fun times. ... Am I a golden coin for you?" "Yes, you are," I said. He continued, "Mama is too. And we're both golden coins for her!"

This is the best entertainment value we could ever find - spending our golden coins with each other.

My golden coins. (With a hidden bonus coin!)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Breakpoint: True Martyrs

I make a habit of citing Breakpoint, but Chuck Colson's June 11 commentary echoes exactly something my wife and I have been saying since September 11, 2001, namely that Islamists have twisted the meaning of martyr from the willingness to die for one's faith to a willingness to kill.