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Conservatism: Not just a good idea, it's the (Natural) Law.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Breakpoint: Are Christians Terrorists?

This story in today's Breakpoint was so outrageous I thought it had to be sensationalized, so I checked it out for myself.

[An] anti-terrorism drill was organized by the Burlington Township Police Department. According to the BURLINGTON COUNTY TIMES, the drill scenario described intruders as “members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the ‘New Crusaders’ who do not believe in separation of church and state.” The storyline also says the mock terrorists were angry because the daughter of one gunman was expelled from school for praying in class. The drill “specified that two armed men invade the high school . . . shoot several students in the hallways, then barricade themselves in the media center with 10 student hostages.”
These drills are more than troubling. They deliberately ignore reality: The killers who have struck at schools -- or who attempt to -- are either Islamic radicals or disturbed students who are angry at other students or teachers.
Ironically, school districts probably stick the terrorism label on Christians in part because they are too afraid of what Islamic radicals may do if they dare suggest that Muslims might actually be the ones they have to worry about.
Here's the actual story from the Burlington County Times and local follow-up on the aftermath.

I guess rather than depict a group who might retailiate with an actual terrorist attack, it's safer to just slander Christians. For purposes of a drill, they could have made up an organization of ambiguous ethnicity or ideology. (The Symbionese Liberation Army could have fit that bill.) But they apparently really wanted religious terrorists, so to ensure a realistic reaction from the teachers' union, they chose the group that scares the living bejeebers out of liberals.

The irony of this is that the first Crusaders liberated Christian regions after Muslim invasions. "New Crusaders" could have been those who took on the terrorists of 9-11, or Beslan, or Columbine, or a fictitious hostage crisis.

But why not make a survival exercise an indoctrination as well? Black is white, up is down, and the most dangerous people in the world are really the most peaceful.

It’s another example of how openly those hostile to any forms of Christianity express their contempt.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Michelle Malkin: Johnny Hart, R.I.P.

Michelle Malkin: Johnny Hart, R.I.P.

I just heard this news today. B.C.'s bold Holy Week strips will be no more, but I can't imagine a more fitting day for passing of their creator: the eve of Christ's resurrection.

The Simple Meaning of Easter

It's the innocent taking the punishment for the guilty.

In the stories of a death-row inmate, a priest at Auschwitz, and Charles Colson's own prison experience, "I hear the echo of the first Good Friday: Christ taking our place on the cross, laying down His life so that a condemned people might live."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Making Fools of the Wise

I just read in today’s Breakpoint about a woman named Christa Lilly from Colorado who last month emerged from six years in a “persistent vegetative state,” sat up and ate, conversed with family members, alert and aware. Three days later, she lapsed back into a coma, but her brief awakening still has doctors baffled.

Her neurologist, Dr. Randall Bjork, said he couldn't explain how or why she awoke.
"I'm just not able to explain this on the basis of what we know about persistent vegetative states," he said.
It was almost exactly two years ago that Terri Schiavo was starved to death, a sentence carried out by her remorseless husband and a supremely arrogant neurologist who insisted she would never recover. Christa Lilly was actually unresponsive in her “persistent vegetative state,” but Terri could laugh, smile, and recognize family members. Imagine what she might have done or what "awakenings" she might have shown if she had been fed!

I can’t allow myself to write much about this because my outrage over the injustice perpetrated against Terri Schiavo will resurface all the more. I will say that I praise God Christa Lilly has loving family members in charge of her care and looking after her. Her story should be shouted over the airwaves to every Michael Schiavo and every “right to die” expert who claims to know more about the human brain than what has been revealed to man. Christa Lilly’s case is one of the many that cry out: “You know nothing!”

Jesus said that God has hidden things from the wise and learned (Luke 10:21). Paul, in Romans 1:22 said, “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.” Human consciousness is a mystery that will never be fully understood, and it exists on levels I believe we will never be able to read. We must beware any diagnosis that declares a person "dead" while the heart is still beating on its own. Would that every PVS victim awaken to make fools of those who would pass such sentence on them.

To anyone reading this, I wish you a blessed Holy Week, and for Christa Lilly's family I pray for hope and confidence in the Lord of Life who defeated death.